Senior lecture Yevhen Samoilenko Contributed Entries to the Second Volume of Ukrainian Encyclopedia of International Law

April 24, 2018

In recent years, the «encyclopedic» movement in the field of international law has acquired considerable development in the world. In 1998, there was the republication of such monumental work as three-volume French encyclopedic Directory of International Law («Annuaire français de droit international»). In 2005, there was the second edition of the Dictionary of international law of the Japan Institute of international law («国際関係法辞典»), and French and German «Dictionaries» of international law also were republished. In 2009, there was the third edition of Parry & Grant Encyclopedic Dictionary of International Law by Oxford University Press. In 2012, there was a second edition of The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (10 tomes) under the auspices of German scientists.

In the month of March 2018, the second volume of Ukrainian Encyclopedia of International Law was published. Present issue is edited by the Director of V. M. Koretsky Institute of state and law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yurii Shemshuchenko and well-known expert in international law professor Vladimir Denisov.

Ukrainian Encyclopedia of International Law is the first systematic exposition of all basic concepts and categories of modern international law. International legal terminology located by alphabetical principle, and the second volume of encyclopedia covers letters from “E” to “L” (in Ukrainian transliteration). The authors deeply and comprehensively analyzed the huge amount of sources and special literature in the area of international law.

Yevhen Samoilenko, senior lecturer at the Department of International, European and Environmental Law of Academic and Research Institute of Law (Sumy State University), joined to the writing of the second volume of Ukrainian Encyclopedia of International Law. He is the author of 6 entries: «Compensation», «Compromise», «Consensus», «Convention on Special Missions 1969», «UN International Law Commission», «United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982».

Ukrainian «Encyclopedia» is topical publication with its distinctive scientific and practical value. This book can be useful for Ukrainian diplomats, international lawyers, political scientists, lecturers and students of juridical education institutions, and for all those who are interested in issues of international law and international relations.