Sergii Denysenko

Senior lecturer

PhD in Law

Associated Professor

Teaching subjects:

Senior lecturer
PhD in Law
Associated Professor

In 2015 he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences on the topic: “International legal standards of simplification and harmonization of customs procedures in the sphere of foreign trade”. The speciality is 12.00.11 – International Law.

Research interests – international law, customs law, research on the prospects and effectiveness of the implementation of international standards of simplification and harmonization of customs procedures in the customs legislation of Ukraine.

List of publications: ScopusGoogle Scholar 

Absracts of Publications:

1. Pecular Properties of International Legal Regulation of Relations on Implementation of Standarts of Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures in the Countirs of  NAFTA 

In this article, the peculiarities of the international legal regulation of the simplification and harmonization of the customs procedures in the field of international trade within the NAFTA are examined. The analysis of the extensive regulatory framework of the NAFTA in the field of the simplification and harmonization of the customs procedures is carried out in two main directions: customs cooperation of the NAFTA at the international level within the framework of the authoritative universal international organizations and international agreements and customs cooperation between the member states of the NAFTA. 

Key words: economic integration, simplification and harmonization of the customs procedures, electronic declaration, authorized economic operator, automated information systems.

2. Implementation of International Standarts in Customs Legislation of Ukraine as a Way to Increase Foregn Trade (co-author)

Practical implementation of the international standards in the field of simplification and harmonization of customs procedures by Ukraine is among the most important problems, which effective solution will increase the foreign trade of our state and increase its competitiveness.
Many countries, impose tough documentary requirements and insufficient high level of automation of customs procedures, during movement of goods across the state border, thus creating serious obstacles to international trade. Considering the foregoing, Ukraine needs to efficiently implement international standards of simplification and harmonization of customs procedures in national customs legislation in order to create appropriate conditions for the increase of foreign trade.
Research objective is a practical toolkit for the execution of the international commitments by Ukraine on the implementation of the international standards in the field of simplification and harmonization of customs procedures by national customs authorities.
The article provides the methodical approach to the formation of the economic and legal mechanism for the implementation of simplification and harmonization of customs procedures in national customs legislation.
Successful implementation of international standards in Ukrainian customs legislation depends on sufficient material and technical support of divisions of customs authorities. For example, due to the high cost of laying lines for internet connection, some new border checkpoints that are located hundreds of kilometers away from the settlements are not connected to the Internet, which hinders the rapid exchange of electronic information. However, 98-99 percent of goods at the EU customs processed electronically made.
The high level of corruption within the national customs authorities also hinders the successful implementation of international standards on the simplification and harmonization of customs procedures in Ukrainian customs legislation. The general factors of corruption in national customs authorities are the lack of professionalism of customs officials; low wages; insufficient disciplinary effect on customs officers; low level of control and responsibility at the customs; weak computerization of customs, etc.
To solve this problem, Ukraine should modernize transport infrastructure, which in turn should lead to safe and efficient transport and customs operations; modernize material and technical base and provide customs authorities with modern computer hardware to perform their duties; develop qualitative and effective methods to combat corruption at Customs.

Key words: implementation, electronic declaration, customs declaration, economic operators, international standards.

3. Actual Problems of International Humanitarian Law in Today Armed Conflict

Some acute problems of the international humanitarian law are revealed in the article. These problems are connected with the usage of new forms of war in contemporary armed conflicts which cause incredible suffering of the civilians and they are a challenge to the international humanitarian law of nowadays.
The relevance of the topic of the research is stipulated by recurring armed conflicts in various regions of our planet. New forms of hostilities and modern military technologies are used and they cause untold misery all around the world. When creating the norms of the international humanitarian law, the concept of the «armed conflict» was explained simply. Thus, the armed conflict could be internal when the citizens of one state wage the war. And it could be international when the citizens of different states are at war. However, a modern armed conflict can be start- ed without declaring it. It can be carried out using armed bands, groups or mercenaries and can be conducted in several other dimensions, for example, in information and economic space.
Such armed conflict has received another term in contemporary world – «hybrid warfare» which doesn’t exist in the international humanitarian law. In this regard, the norms of the international humanitarian law are difficult to apply and this, in turn, makes it impossible to bring the perpe- trators to international criminal responsibility.

Key words: armed aggression, international armed conflict, armed conflict not of an international character, hybrid warfare.

4. Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures as Factors Increasing the Volumes of Country’s Foreign Trade

This article examines main trends of realization of the thesis of Kyoto Convention as for simplification and harmonization of customs procedures in the functioning of the national customs authorities. 
In this article it is also said that every state which aims to introduce regulations of a renewed Kyoto Convention has  to evaluate the level of readiness of their application. The adoption of a renewed  Kyoto Convention can be unacceptable for the states with undeveloped customs system and information technologies as well as with absence of qualified personnel potential. This is to explain that fact that a lot of countries – participants of the World Customs Organization haven’t joined a renewed Kyoto Convention yet.

Key words: сustoms procedures; сustoms сontrol; customs clearance; e-declaration; Kyoto Convention.

5. Legal Aspect of Compliance of the Customs of Ukraine With International Standards in the Sphere of Simplification of Cumtoms Procedures 

The article makes comparative analysis of the new Customs Code of Ukraine and the International Convention on simplification and harmonization of customs procedures of May 18, 1973. It aims of bringing to light the conformity of provisions of this international agreement and making them legally binding by customs legislation of Ukraine along with enforcing implementation of uniform international standards in sphere of simplification of customs procedures by national customs authorities.  
Key words: customs declaration; risk management system; customs post-audit; information technologies. 

6. Realization of the Provision of the Main Provisions of Kyoto Confention in the Activities of National Customs Authorities

This article examines main trends of realization of the thesis of Kyoto Convention   as for simplification and harmonization of customs procedures in the functioning of the national customs authorities. Attention is paid to such international standards of Kyoto Convention as risk management system, customs post audit, the usage of informational technologies during customs procedures.
In this article it is also said that every state which aims to introduce regulations of     a renewed Kyoto Convention has to evaluate the level of readiness of their application. The adoption of a renewed Kyoto Convention can be unacceptable for the states with undeveloped customs system and  information  technologies  as  well  as  with  absence of qualified personnel potential. This is to explain that fact that a lot of countries – participants of the World Customs Organization haven’t joined a renewed Kyoto Convention yet.

Key words: risk management system, customs post audit, informational technologies.