Results of the Scientific and Practical Round Table “Freedom of Expression: Problems of Implementation of European Standards in Ukraine”

On May 24, 2024, the Scientific and Practical Round Table “Freedom of Expression: Problems of Implementation of European Standards in Ukraine” was held as part of the Jean Monnet Chair “EU Standards on Freedom of Expression and Information (101127062)”

The event was attended by representatives of more than 30 educational and research institutions, human rights organizations, the journalistic community, and public servants.

The subject of the discussion included the limits of freedom of expression in the context of the protection of national security, the evolution of the ECtHR jurisprudence regarding the protection of this right, combating hostile propaganda and disinformation, the challenges that arise for the functioning of the domestic media sector on the way to European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

Based on the results of the Round Table, a collection of theses of the participants’ reports will be published.

We sincerely thank our dear speakers Dr Mateusz Kamionka, Dr Natalia Hirna, Dr. Anatolii Chernyavskii, Dr. hab. Oleksandr Naboka, Dr. Anatolii Honcharenko, Albina Turovska, and all the event participants!