Scientific and Practical Round Table “Modern Challenges for Migration Policy: Legal, Educational and Historical Aspects”

On June 21, 2024, the Scientific and Practical Round Table “Modern Challenges for Migration Policy: Legal, Educational and Historical Aspects” was held. The event was a part of the implementation of the grant project “101098859-EU4Migration-ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH-UA-IBA / ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH “The EU Migration Policy and Law in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals” (“Jean Monet” Erasmus+ program).

The participants’ reports were devoted to human rights and migration in Europe and the world, legal regulation of migration in the EU, valuable, historical and educational aspects of migration and protection of internally displaced persons in Ukraine. More than 60 researchers represented higher education institutions, schools and the professional legal community.

The round table focused primarily on human rights in migration processes, the regulation of migration in Europe and worldwide, and the value-based, historical, and educational aspects of migration and the protection of internally displaced persons in Ukraine. Discussions among participants centered on the integration of migrants in Ukraine, the influence of political parties on EU migration policy, the right to freedom of movement, and forced deportations of populations as a demographic factor. Over 60 researchers registered for the event, representing higher education institutions, schools, and the professional legal community.

The project team thanks everyone who participated and invites you to join our future events!