Invitation to take part in the event

December 15, 2022

We invite you to participate in the Scientific and Practical Round Table on “Legal regulation of financial services: national, European and globalizing dimensions”, which will take place on January 27, 2023, at the Academic and Research Institute of Law of Sumy State University.
The event will take place in the framework of the project 619998-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE “European standards for the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services” under the Erasmus + program Jean Monnet.

The Round Table will cover the following issues:

1. Legal support for the development of the financial services market in the conditions of globalization;
2. Actual issues of Ukrainian financial legislation adaptation in connection with Ukraine’s acquisition of the candidate status for EU membership;
3. Directions for improving the legal regulation of procedures for supervision of professional participants in financial services markets: European and world standards;
4. Problems of protecting the rights of financial services consumers and forms of their protection: national and foreign experience;
5. Organizational and legal principles of cooperation between national regulatory and supervisory bodies and EU institutions in the field of financial services.
Working languages of the Round Table: Ukrainian, English.

All the accepted papers will be included in the Round Table proceeding which will be placed in the repository of Sumy State University (

To participate in the Round Table, please, fill out the application form on the link

and send a file with the abstracts by January 25, 2023 to the address of the organizing committee

Participation in the Round Table: full-time, part-time.

The event will take place online.

Participation in the Round Table is free.

Please, find more information in the invitation letter.